
In 2022, how do you Start an Amazon Store


Amazon Store

In 2022, how do you start an Amazon store?

Amazon Stores, which launched in 2017, is a dedicated ecommerce platform that allows sellers, brands, and small companies to promote themselves and their items.


Despite the fact that it was only published a few years ago, Amazon Stores has quickly become an important element of Amazon Advertising that requires no budget, allowing businesses of any size to open an Amazon store and give a mini-website within the Amazon site.


While only a few select businesses were initially permitted to build their own Amazon URL and Store, it is rapidly becoming significantly more accessible and beneficial to sellers.


Here's a thorough tutorial on why and how to start an Amazon store, whether you're an existing Amazon seller or brand trying to expand your selling approach.

What do Amazon Stores entail?

Creating an Amazon Store allows merchants to design, brand, and promote their products in a different and distinct location from the Amazon search results, away from the competitors.


Setting up an Amazon Store is absolutely free for existing sellers, but the perks and capabilities available can help your brand's reputation and allow you to enhance your Amazon Advertising strategy with a unique and trackable URL.


Rather than having your products display in search alongside similar competitors, you can direct advertisements and links to your dedicated store, giving potential buyers a virtual shopping experience while also benefiting from the increased traffic.

What Can You Get From Amazon Stores?

Apart from the obvious benefit of having a dedicated space to promote and categorize your products for your brand, Amazon Stores also has a number of other valuable features.

Advertising on Amazon

Because Amazon Stores is component of the Amazon Advertising program, you can use it to promote your business both on and off Amazon. You can quickly track and acquire useful knowledge about shopping behavior, sales, conversions, demographics, and much more by adding a tag to your store's unique URL to educate future marketing campaigns.


There are various lucrative ways to promote your Amazon Store.


Advertisements for Sponsored Products

Established Amazon sellers can use Sponsored Products to bid for specific keywords and gain immediate visibility, with Sponsored Products appearing on the first page of product search results. Sellers can use an automation tool to bid higher or lower depending on the likelihood of conversions, and you only pay for an ad when people click on it.

Brand Registry on Amazon

If you haven't previously, go through the Amazon Brand Registry process when you're ready to start an Amazon store. You can benefit from enhanced control over the branding of your products on Amazon by registering your brand, and Amazon's automated protections can assist you detect and remove any false or unauthorized content on the platform by registering your brand.


Brand Research


You can utilize Amazon's analytics services to obtain insight and analyze the success of your store once your brand has been registered with Amazon. For sellers with registered brands, Brand Analytics provides data that allows you to analyze competitors, compare items similar to your own, and analyze the demographics of your customers in terms of age, income, and other factors. 

How to Start an Ecommerce Business (7 Steps) has put together some critical stages to setting up and optimizing a storefront to stand out from competition now that you know what's available when you build an Amazon Store.1. Professional Seller Account

If you haven't already done so, you'll need to create an Amazon seller account and wait for it to be approved.You will need to provide:

  • Business address Account name
    Taxpayer identification number (TIN)
    Verification of identity
    Account statement
    Amazon fees payment information
    Information on your bi-weekly deposit account
    If you haven't previously done so, the first step is to register an Amazon seller account and get approved (link to the blog on selling on Amazon).

2. Brand Registry on Amazon

As previously stated, the Amazon Brand Registry is the next necessary step in the process of setting up an Amazon Store. It's not for resellers, and it's only for firms with a registered trademark on their products and packaging.

Once your brand is officially registered, you'll have access to a number of useful tools, such as gated product categories, greater advertising options, brand messaging assistance, lifestyle photos, and other marketing materials to utilize on your store.

You'll need the following items to get started with Amazon Brand Registry:

Brand name that is registered and trademarked
Serial number of the registered brand
Manufacturing and distribution countries for your goods
On your goods, there is an image of your brand name.
On the product label, an image of your brand name

3. Photograph of your product


After you've registered your brand, you can start working on your store and site. Select a homepage theme and design in Seller Central's 'Manage Stores' section, and you're ready to go.
If you prefer to make your own template, you may highlight your essential products with drag-and-drop tiles that include text, photographs, and even video. You can also include a short movie on your homepage to communicate your brand's unique story, reinforce your brand image, and introduce the people behind the brand to build trust.

4. Configure Your Pages

After you've nailed your business's homepage and it accurately portrays your brand, you can continue on to constructing a variety of other supporting pages to create a multi-faceted online store. Always bear in mind that your Amazon ecommerce store should be easy to access and understand when creating it. User experience is critical to conversions on any website, so make sure your consumer trip on Amazon is as pleasant and easy as possible.

Create a site structure with a clear hierarchy for your homepage, category pages, product pages, and more before diving right into creating an Amazon Store with a large number of pages.

There are three key page templates to use, though of course, you can create your own designs if you prefer:

  • Product Grid: The product grid design allows marketers to easily display a large number of related products next to one another. You can fit a lot of products on one page, so customers can simply browse your whole catalog without having to scroll. Product grids are perfect for narrow product categories where your consumer knows exactly what they want and just wants to quickly explore and compare all of your brand's related products.
    Marquee designs are significantly more complicated, allowing firms to condense important product kinds onto a single page, use high-quality and eye-catching photography, add descriptions, and even include positive comments from prior customer evaluations. When utilized on category sites, marquees can help browsers find what they're looking for.

5. Incorporate Content Tiles

You must be familiar with the notion of content tiles in order to construct an Amazon Store. Basically, any material on your store that browsers can interact with, whether it's an image, video, gallery, or product title, falls under this category.


Customers should not be confused about where to click or which pages to visit if you use a range of content tiles across your store. Hero pictures, navigation bars, company logos, product grids, image tiles, mixed product and text tiles, and other content grids are available on Amazon Stores.


Spend time developing an Amazon Store that is professional, consistent with your logo, and attracts customers.

6. Put Your Products Online

If you're a new Amazon seller, now is the time to make sure that all of your items are properly submitted and optimized. The chances are, though, that you already have a product line ready to go. In this instance, you can search for individual products using your Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) and promote them on your Amazon Store.

You can manually add products to your store using ASIN numbers, or you can let Amazon do it for you by utilizing relevant and targeted keywords.

7. Go Live

Once your Amazon Store's pages, navigation, content tiles, and products are complete, you must submit your store to Amazon for inspection and approval before it can go live. Make the most of the Store Preview tool before submitting your store, which allows you to see your store from the perspective of a customer. Ensure that everything is proofread, that branding and graphics are consistent, and that the consumer journey is seamless. You can even ask people who aren't affiliated with your company to try out the store.

Last Thoughts

Having a dedicated location and URL for your brand away from competition is one of the apparent benefits of creating and using an Amazon Store to display and promote your products.


Additionally, additional advertising opportunities and the usage of Brand Analytics can help your brand gain a better understanding of your target market and ensure that your store is being seen by the correct people.


It can be challenging to manage pricing strategies and stay on top of competitive pricing across the board for established Amazon brands with a vast range of products. helps brands manage repricing across all Amazon marketplaces. Simply enter your product costs, profit margins, stock levels, and other information, and the tool will automatically cut or raise pricing in response to demand, competition, busy seasons, Buy Box opportunities, and other factors.
